Japanese Courses

Japanese Courses

How to take Japanese Courses

(1) Structure of Japanese language courses

CIE offers an array of Japanese language courses for all types of international students. While elementary and pre-intermediate courses aim to lay the foundations for learning Japanese, intermediate and advanced courses enable international students to acquire higher-level proficiency to attend classes or conduct research using Japanese. The courses are divided into eight levels, from elementary to advanced. Each level caters for different categories of students and comprises several courses focusing on different language skills. All courses have three-digit codes. The first digit indicates the course level, the second indicates the campus, and the third indicates the course content. As for the second digit, 0 means the Nishi-Chiba campus, 1 means the Matsudo campus, and 2 means online courses open to international students on all campuses.

Table1 Japanese language courses at campuses

Aims Level and course code Elegible students Nishi -Chiba (0) Matsudo (1) Online (2)
To gain high-level proficiency to conduct research in Japanese Advanced 8xx International undergraduate students, J-PAC students, and undergraduate exchange students - -
7xx - -
Intermediate 6xx All international students and researchers -
5xx J-PAC students, Intensive Japanese Language Program students, Postgraduate students, Research students, Specialized students, Exchange research students, exchange students, and researchers -
4xx -
To gain basic-level proficiency in Japanese Pre- intermediate 3xx -
Elementary 2xx

(2) Registration priority

Upon registration, some international students are given priority if they are admitted to Chiba University on the condition that they complete Intensive Japanese Language Program or their home institutes require them to earn credits for Japanese language courses at Chiba University.

Research students, specialized students, exchange research students and exchange students other than J-PAC students are required to submit an Eligibility Application for Japanese Language Courses (online form) through their supervisors to register for Japanese 1xx-6xx courses. The registration system will automatically reject students without this application.

(3) Data Collection from International Students or Data Collection in Japanese Language Courses

Faculty members and students who wish to collect data from international students enrolled in Japanese language courses or Japanese language courses offered at Chiba University's Center for International Education for research purposes must submit an "Application to Conduct Research or Collect Data" to the Center's Director.

Data collection is allowed only in Japanese language courses taught by the full-time faculty members at Chiba University. Data cannot be collected in classes taught by part-time lecturers.

Please contact:dge2195@office.chiba-u.jp (International Student Division)