


Chiba University Alumni International (CUAI) branches are composed of former Chiba University students or graduates, working, studying or living outside Japan. Each branch autonomously conducts activities commensurate with the number and characteristics of former Chiba University students in the relevant country or area.


  • Strengthening exchange and fostering friendship between alumni members, and encouraging them to support Chiba University in its educational and research activities
  • Establishing international education and research networks and gathering information on human resources and technology
  • Strengthening international cultural exchange and disseminating Japanese culture overseas
  • Contributing to the local communities both at home and overseas


The following persons are eligible to become CUAI member through relevant international branches.

  • Regular members: Persons who have graduated from or studied at Chiba University (Japanese and international students)
  • Associate members: Students currently enrolled at Chiba University (Japanese and international students)
  • Special members: Former Chiba University academics or staff, or persons who can show some other association with Chiba University, organizations or other legal entities

Operating Structure

CUAI Head Office is established within Chiba University Alumni Association in order to ensure effective collaboration with CUAI branches.

1. Administrative structur

  • Each branch will have the Head and Secretary as its executives
  • The number of branch executives may be increased according to its size and needs

2. Activities

  • Establishing local offices
  • Creating and administrating branch websites
  • Activity planning
  • Activity reports
  • Providing and publishing information regarding the area
  • Handling branch regulations and membership issues